Heaven & Hell Are A State Of Mind.
I believe in heaven & hell. I believe in God & the Devil. I believe that God & the Devil exist within us & everyday that we are granted another human experience we have the choice to move in God-like or Devil-like energy.
I believe that depending on which energy we choose we consciously create heaven or hell both for ourselves & for those in our environment. Heaven & hell exist within the mind & reflect out into our external world. Our individual internal experiences create our external perception & projection of how we receive the outside world.
God is not external. God is internal. Absolutely everything that we’ve ever searched for outside of ourselves already exists within. However, this does not mean that we cannot love & experience God through our external world.
We can find the love of God in the warmth of the sun on our skin or the gentle breeze that caresses & sways the trees. A dance of God unfolding all around us, but it must first exist within us to appreciate the fullness of its beauty & grace.
The way we speak to ourselves (words cast spells that’s why they call it spelling), feed ourselves, clean ourselves, exercise, love ourselves & just as importantly love those around us, is a direct reflection & manifestation of God.
We don’t hope for change. We pray, meditate, & speak affirmations daily & then put the action behind it. When we have faith in our abilities to move, speak, & act in God-like energy we are the physical embodiment of higher consciousness. Always doing our best and not judging or feeling sorry for ourselves when we fall short. Just continuing to persevere.
You are everything & everything is you. We are all connected. Therefore, when you speak love, anger, fear or jealously to someone else that energy comes right back to you. Emotions are simply energy in motion. Meaning any emotion that you send to another must first pass through you. Any belief, action, or form of language that perpetuates divisive behavior, lack of compassion, & inner-standing for our fellow sister or brother is not the way of God as intended.
This is why it is imperative that we acknowledge that God exists within us & that we possess the power to manifest light or darkness, heaven or hell. Not just for ourselves, but for nature, the animals, Mother Gaia & the entire universe of all living beings.
When we accept our personal power in its entirety we can then begin to move in God-like energy. Taking full accountability for our circumstances & manifestations. We can begin the shadow work that is dissolution of the ego & begin to release fear. It is when we set this fear aside & move in love that we create heaven on earth. Heaven & hell begins in the mind. Heaven is in your heart and hell is in your ego. Which are choosing to move in today?